
This week I, Lauren Novak, had the absolute pleasure of attending the Meta Performance Marketing Summit in San Francisco. The conference is a gathering of performance marketing leaders to explore trends, discuss challenges and highlight the opportunities that can help drive success on Meta ads. Among the five points below, I also was constantly reminded to embrace the spirit of innovation and be open to trying new things. Meta (and digital ads) are constantly evolving and SO ARE WE! 


  1. AI-Powered Tools: More Conversions, Better Results. At the Meta Performance Marketing Summit, I discovered that AI-powered tools are the real deal. They can increase your results with 20% more conversions. That’s right, 20%! 
  2. Creative is the New Ad Targeting: Captivate Your Audiences with Ads not Audience Interests. Gone are the days of boring, generic ads. Think outside the box and deliver content that not only sells but also resonates with each of your target audiences.
  3.  Rethink Attribution: It’s Time to Give Credit Where Credit is Due! If you’re still relying on last click attribution to measure the success of your Meta ads, you could be under attributing them by 47%. The summit continued to shed light on the importance of adopting a more holistic approach to attribution. 
  4. Don’t Forget About Gen Z: Instagram is Still Their Stomping Ground. If you’re targeting the younger demographic, don’t overlook the power of Instagram. Create captivating content tailored to their interests and preferences to introduce Gen Z to your brand.
  5. Test, Test, Test: Your Budget Needs a Side Hustle! Last but not least, dedicating a small percentage of your daily budget to testing new campaign types or ad creative is an absolute game-changer. You never know when you’ll stumble upon a winning formula that propels your campaigns to new heights!

PSST! Don’t forget to checkout our Lulus Case Study that was featured at the Summit!